Contact Us
Contact Us
Scott Hough
Pro Audio/AV Integration Division Manager
Phone: 1-866-457-9227 Ext. 1
Cell: 404-819-6252
Fax: 866-701-1258
Territory: North Georgia and Atlanta Metro, Chattanooga, South Carolina(except Myrtle Beach)
Jeff Brooks
Pro Audio/AV Division Sales Rep
Phone: 866-457-9227 Ext 2
Cell: 336-970-3314
Fax: 866-803-7243
Territory: North Carolina and Myrtle Beach, SC
Richard Hembree
Pro Audio/AV Division Sales Rep
Phone: 866-457-9227 Ext 3
Cell: 770-366-4372
Fax: 866-463-9421
Territory: Alabama, Mississippi, South Georgia, Fla. Panhandle
Grant Brewer
Pro Audio/AV Division Sales Rep
Phone: 866-457-9227 Ext 4
Cell: 615-943-1070
Fax: 866-701-1258
Territory: TN (except Chattanooga)
Gene Griffith
Musical Retail Division Manager/Main Principal
Phone: 770-622-2481
Fax: 770-622-2579
Territory: Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee
Rick Lloyd
Musical Division Sales Rep
Phone: 336-595-6633
Territory: North and South Carolina.
Tom Westberry
Pro Audio/AV Division Sales Rep
Phone: 866-457-9227 Ext 5
Cell: (863) 528-9376
Territory: Florida(except Panhandle)
John Briggs
Musical Retail Division Sales Rep
Phone: 866-457-9227 Ext 6
Cell: (321) 508-1913
Territory: Florida